Resources to Help You Live a Happy, Healthy Life
Here are some of my favorite resources to help you live a happy, healthy life! Don't forget to check out the Recipes page.
Find Out Your Human Design:
Knowing even the basic aspects of your human design chart can have a HUGE impact on bringing more balance and joy into your life. I love to geek out and talk about Human Design as well as help my clients learn how to leverage their human design.
Life Force International:
Whole-food, organic, liquid nutrition products. Science has proven that nutrients are most easily used by our bodies when they are in the original form of Food and when they are already converted to a liquid consistency. The original product that Life Force was founded with is Body Balance. This is a delicious drink that includes 9 very specific sea vegetables, organic aloe vera, organic black cherry and raw honey with a little stevia for sweetness. You will also find a superior liquid Calcium blend, a Colon Cleanse program, Herbal Body Wrap, and more. Life Force also offers one of my favorite products, FlexeoPlus, which I consider to be like WD-40 for your body!! The stories of wellness are endless and you can read some of them at Or watch this video, it could change maybe even save your life or that of a loved one: Now That I Know To order just use enroller/sponsor ID: 20726313
doTERRA Essential Oils:
Being sick is no fun but it brings me more peace of mind when I know I can use doTERRA essential oils to reduce discomfort while fighting off the bugs and boosting the immune system. (Many essential oils have antibacterial, anti fungal, antiviral, antimicrobial properties, depending on the oil, and do not develop resistance.) I've noticed that using doTERRA oils helps me and my family to reduce the intensity and duration of whatever bug we are fighting, especially if I start using them at first sign of illness. doTERRA oils make up my "medicine" cabinet and first aid kit. I love using them for emotional support and overall well-being as well. They are so versatile and are powerful tools in my wellness toolbox. I hope you find them to be supportive as well. As always, I am here to help you be empowered about your and your loved ones health. Contact me to learn more about how doTERRA oils can help you be your most vibrant self.
Interactive Reflexology Chart:
Discover how your whole body is mapped out on your hands and feet. Reflexology is incorporated into all of my massage/bodywork sessions to help you return to balance.
An amazing fitness form that combines the best of martial arts, dance and healing arts appropriate for all fitness levels. Even better, it's done in bare feet...a workout and reflexology session in one!